Show Table and Index Ranges (T)

Show Table and Index Ranges (T)


There are three sections to this window. The top shows database server startup parameters, the middle "Application Tables and Indexes" section, and the bottom "System Tables and Indexes" section. Each section is documented separately.

ProTop RT Label Description
-basetable Current value of database startup parameter -basetable
-tablerangesize Current value of database startup parameter -tablerangesize
Highest Stats Table# Highest possible application table number statistics can be tracked on (possibly more than tables currently defined)
Lowest Monitored Table Lowest application table number being monitored statistically
Highest Monitored Table Highest application table number being monitored statistically
-baseindex Current value of database startup parameter -baseindex
-indexrangesize Current value of database startup parameter -indexrangesize
Highest Stats Index# Highest possible application index number statistics can be tracked on (possibly more than indexes currently defined)
Lowest Monitored Index Lowest application index number being monitored statistically
Highest Monitored Index Highest application index number being monitored statistically

Second section, Application Tables and Indexes

ProTop RT Label Description
Actual Number of App Tables Number of tables in the database
Minimum App Table# Lowest number application table
Maximum App Table# Highest number application table
Unmonitored App Tables Number of database tables where statistical info is not being collected
Excess Table Range The number of available entries in the table statistics VST: i.e. 436 - 1 - 25 = 410
Minimal App -basetable Lowest possible setting for the database startup parameter -basetable in order to track access statistics for all application tables
Minimal App -tablerangesize Lowest possible setting for the database startup parameter -tablerangesize in order to track access statistics for all application tables
Suggested -basetable Suggested setting for the database startup parameter -basetable in order to track access statistics for all application tables
Suggested -tablerangesize Suggested setting for the database startup parameter -tablerangesize in order to track access statistics for all application tables
Actual Number of App Indexes Number of indexes in the database
Minimum App Index# Lowest number application index
Maximum App Index# Highest number application index
Unmonitored App Indexes Number of database indexes where statistical info is not being collected
Excess Index Range The number of available entries in the index statistics VST: i.e. 2753 - 0 - 62 = 2691
Minimal App -baseindex Lowest possible setting for the database startup parameter -baseindex in order to track access statistics for all application indexes
Minimal App -indexrangesize Lowest possible setting for the database startup parameter -indexrangesize in order to track access statistics for all application indexes
Suggested -baseindex Suggested setting for the database startup parameter -baseindex in order to track access statistics for all application indexes
Suggested -indexrangesize Suggested setting for the database startup parameter -indexrangesize in order to track access statistics for all application indexes

Third section, System Tables and Indexes

ProTop RT Label Description
Lowest Table# The lowest table number of all system tables
Highest Table# The highest table number of all system tables
Suggested Complete -basetable Suggested setting for the database startup parameter -basetable in order to track access statistics for all system and application tables
Suggested Complete -tablerangesize Suggested setting for the database startup parameter -tablerangesize in order to track access statistics for all system and application tables
Lowest Index# The lowest index number of all system indexes
Highest Index# The highest index number of all system indexes
Suggested Complete -baseindex Suggested setting for the database startup parameter -baseindex in order to track access statistics for all system indexes
Suggested Complete-indexrangesize Suggested setting for the database startup parameter -indexrangesize in order to track access statistics for all system indexes