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  2. ProTop Alerts Dashboard

ProTop Alerts Dashboard Overview

The ProTop Alerts Dashboard allows users to filter and view Resources and related Alerts, all in real-time as of the lastest refresh.

Here's a quick video overview of the Alerts Dashboard

Here are the Alerts Dashboard components by the numbers:

NOTE: Listed below are the high-level features of the ProTop Dashboard which are covered in more detail in other articles which you can find by using the search box at the top of this screen.

Number Feature Description
1 ProTop Logo Click on the protop logo to return to this page from elsewhere in the portal; also the very top of the side menu explained below
2 Omnisearch Bar Filter Sites, Resources, Alerts, and their attributes; Type a "?" and press enter to select and view the omnisearch guide
3 Resources Window Lists Sites, Resources, Environment, Site Type, HB (heartbeat) age and the total number of Alarms, Pages and a Sum of Alerts over the past 24, 4, and 1 hour(s); HB Age is distinguished by color, turning red when the Age exceeds the resource HB Check value (minutes).
4 View Create, use and manage saved Groupings and Sorts
5 Grouping Drag and drop a column header like Site to this bar to group by that header
6 Sort Click the header to cycle through ascending and descending sort order
7 Resource Left-click whitespace on the Resource line; the line turns blue and displays alerts for only that Resource in the Alerts window; Right-click whitespace on the Resource line to display a submenu of actions available for that Resource; Click on the Resource Name to open ProTop Trends for that Resource
8 Site Click on the Site name to show alerts for all Resources at that site
9 Saved Searches Use and manage Saved Searches
10 Save As Save this search and give it a name for future use
11 Alerts Window Lists Site, Resource, Timestamp, and Subject for alerts that match search criteria and actions taken in the Resources Window
12 Alert Message Shows the title of each alert message; hover over the title to display additional details for that alert; Information entries are in blue, Warnings are in yellow, Alarms are in orange and Pages are in red
13 Alert Resource Click the Resource name to jump to ProTop Trends for that Resource
14 Alert Line Right-click whitespace to display a submenu of actions available for that Alert/Resource

Side Menu

Click the right-facing double chevron to expand the side menu:

Here is the menu with icons and text labels for the features available to your role.  This is the complete menu visible to superadmin users:

The menu item with the blue background indicates the page you are on.

Click the double chevron at the top (now facing left) again to close the menu.

NOTE: This is the complete menu, you will see items appropriate to your role.

Menu Item Description
ProTop Dashboard This page. Clicking here will return to this page from anywhere in the portal
Double Chevron Right-facing when collapsed and showing only icons, left-facing when expanded and showing icons and their text labels
Alerts This page
Trend Data Opens the ProTop Trends page
Health Checks Opens the Health Checks page
Alert Responses Configure where and to whom messages are sent in response to alerts arriving on the portal
Sites Site administration - add, edit and remove site attributes
Outages Set dates and times for planned events during which Resources will be offline to communicate the outages and prevent automated Alert Responses from going out
Resources Add, edit and delete Resources monitored by ProTop
Users Add, edit and delete Users of ProTop in your organization
Chronograf Allows administrators to create ad-hoc views of trend data
Portal Trends Trend data specific to the ProTopwWeb portal server
Portal Logs ProTop web portal log viewer
Portal Configuration Add, edit and delete portal configuration parameters
About White Star Software Opens the supporting partner's About page in a new browser tab
Privacy Policy Opens the Privacy Policy page on help.wss.com
Documentation Opens this site in a new browser tab
ProTop Community Forum Opens the forum page in a new browser tab
Email Support Opens the default email client with To: set to support@wss.com
Demo Mode Masks client-specific names for demonstration purposes
View As Allows admins to see the portal as a specific user sees it
Account Allows the user to change their name, email address, and password
Sign Out Closes the current session and opens the login page