A Dump & Load Component Checklist

This is a list of the items to consider when dumping and loading your Progress OpenEdge databases. Identify which ones apply to your environment and address them in your runbook, then test, test, test!

  1. Use ProTop RT - PAID version - to produce an optimized database structure based on your actual data, plus the scripts to dump and load your standard application tables.
  2. See Check your schema for "gotchas"! Do you have fields of type RECID or ROWID?  (they get the unknown value "?") you'll need to write code to accommodate the transition.
  3. CLOB - add specific storage area to .st and update df
  4. LOB - add specific storage area to .st and update df
  5. SQL Views
  6. SQL Grants
  7. _user
  8. _sequence
  9. OE Audit Policies
  10. OE Authentication policies/administrators/domains
  11. OE DB internal privileges - Who can-read and can-write?
  12. Change Data Capture (CDC) policies
  13. Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) (policy and key stores)
  14. Consider implications for alternate/secondary buffer pool?
  15. Reseeding OE Replication target(s)
  16. OE version-specific D&L issues?
  17. Convert to UTF-8 encoding?
  18. Pro2 version 5 & 6 considerations? 
  19. Who is your OE DBA?  Who is your OE Security Admin? (IDs? sysprogress etc)
  20. Considerations for multi-tenancy?
  21. Considerations for partitioned tables?
  22. Known issue - record counts inaccurate for C/LOB (use what instead?)

Now ...

Write out your plan to address all the items that apply to your situation.

Then ...

Test, test, test!