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  2. ProTop Alerts Dashboard

Alert: pctLastX Last fixed extent num > 85

What does it mean? What do I do about it?

Example alert from the ProTop Portal:

What does it mean?

The last fixed extent (or variable extent with a configured maximum size, i.e., "xv') of the named storage area (SAName) has grown beyond 85% utilized.

NOTE: add "export PCTLASTX=yes" to bin/localenv to enable this for your environment.

What to do?

Start by running protop RT, command-key "a", for the dbname given.  It will provide you with a comprehensive view of the state of your database areas.  Look at the %Alloc and %LastX columns and address any at or near 100%.  There may be more than one area exhibiting this state. The alert points you to the first issue it finds.

Address the issue by adding a new fixed extent and or variable extent before that extent fills (assuming there is no variable extent to grow into) and stalls the database because it cannot grow.

Please take a look at this article on Managing extent size for more information.

If all else fails...

Contact us at support@wss.com or use the online chat. We'll be happy to help.