dbanalys for large databases

an approach to getting dbanalys done for large databases where a normal dbanalys does finish in a reasonable time

1. run multiple, parallel area-based tab/ixanalys. It’s much faster than running the complete sequential dbanalys as a single thread:

a. $PROTOP/util/gentba.p creates an example script to do this for tabanalys.  Edit as you see fit. You can duplicate and edit the script for ixanalys.

b. Create the script (this is an example, edit for your env):

mpro -b /data/mb117/db/mb117sports -p util/gentba.p

c. find the script ptba.[dbname].sh in the current directory ($PROTOP)

d. edit the script as required (copy and edit for ixanalys)

e. find a low-use window for your database and run the script

f. repeat for ixanalys

2. concat the multiple reports into one .dba file
3. place it into the $PROTOP/dbanalys directory