How to install ProTop when port 80 is blocked

If port 80 is blocked on the machine you want to install and run ProTop, but port 443 is open, you can install ProTop using HTTPS and SSL. Read on ...

Linux example

1. Create your protop installation directory. We'll use /usr/protop for this example.

2. cd /usr/protop

3. download the protop archive on another machine that has internet access and copy it to /usr/protop

4. uncompress it; you'll see the pt3inst file.

5. set these environment variables in your current shell:

export PORTALPORT=443
export PORTALOPTIONS='-ssl -nohostverify'

6. create a file named in your /usr/protop directory and place this line in it:

-certstorepath /usr/protop/certs

7. run the installer:  ./pt3inst

8. Follow the rest of the normal installation instructions.

Windows example

1. Create your protop installation directory. We'll use c:\protop for this example.

2. cd c:\protop

3. download the protop archive on another machine that has internet access and copy it to c:\protop

4. uncompress it; you'll see the pt3inst file.

5. set these environment variables in your current shell:

set PORTALOPTIONS='-ssl -nohostverify'

6. create a file named in your c:\protop directory and place this line in it:

-certstorepath c:\protop\certs

7. run the installer:  pt3inst

8. Follow the rest of the normal installation instructions.