Active Transactions (x)
Long-running transactions are a recurring theme with legacy OpenEdge code and old transaction alerts are among the most common generated by the commercial version of ProTop. Use this screen to monitor the number and duration of active transactions.
ProTop RT Label | Alertable Metric* | Description |
Usr# | usrNum | Unique user number |
Name | userName | User login name |
PID | userPID | Operating System process id |
Flags | userFlags | See below |
Device | userDev | The user's device. For a shared memory session this is a tty and for a client/server connection it is the hostname or IP address of the client |
Trx# | trx-num | Unique transaction number |
BI Clstr | trx-rl | The BI cluster number at the start of the transaction |
Stat | trx-st | The transaction status |
Durati | N/A | Duration of the transaction in hh:mm:ss. |
Idle | idleStr | The amount of time that the process has not done any DB IO. Same as the idleTime column in hh:mm:ss format |
not visible | idleTime | How long it has been since the session has accessed the database in seconds. This should help to identify long running transactions that are "just sitting there" (probably on a screen waiting for user input). Idle can only be measured from the point where the "x" screen was invoked - so it is possible that a session that already had an active transaction could really be idle longer than is shown. (This is similar to the blocked session duration on the "b" screen.) |
Wait Resource (dbkey) | trx-wait | Indicates if the transaction is waiting on something and what that something is. "–" means the transaction is not waiting |
*Requires data collector "ActiveTRX" in pt3agent.cfg. With the commercial version of ProTop, you can configure alerts using the metric names in this column. For a full list of metrics, see the Alertable Metrics section.
Flag values
Flag | Description |
S | Shared memory client |
R | Remote client |
L | Login broker |
@ | Server |
H | helper |
O | Other |
4 | 4GL Client |
W | Webspeed client |
B | Batch client |
A | Application server |
Q | SQL |
X | Unknown |
* | Transaction active |
d | Disconnecting |
r | Undo or error |
I | STOP or Ctrl-c |
N- | Notification pending |
-N | Notification in process |
NN | Notification pending and in process |
Insight into Active Transactions
Status (Stat): Only ACTIVE transactions affect the Before-Image file size. A process that BEGINs a transaction but never modifies any data will not prevent the associated BI cluster from being recycled.
Duration (Durati): At times there may be other values than hh:mm:ss. For example, "REC" signifies that the transaction is waiting for a record. Any other code should be transient.
DB Idle Seconds (Idle): This metric tells you if the process is busy doing stuff or if maybe, just maybe, someone went to lunch (or went home) and left an open transaction. This is particularly useful in warehouse applications where WiFi access can be spotty and users often lose their connection on their RF gun and start a new session rather, leaving an open transaction on the abandoned session.