1. ProTop Knowledge Base
  2. Advanced Alerting Configuration

Automated Script Actions

For any line in [PROTOPDIR]/etc/alert.[*].cfg, if the keyword “script” is included in the alert action list, ProTop will search for and execute the script named [PROTOPDIR]/bin/[metricName] if found.

ProTop will then send a white alert to the portal containing the script's output. This will occur in addition to any other items in the action list for that alert.

NOTE: At the moment, on Windows, you need two files in bin.  One file named for the metric (it can be empty) and a bat file named for the metric that does the work you want done. So, e.g. bin\otrx and bin\otrx.bat.

CAREFUL: The spelling and case must match the Alertable Metric Name found on the Alertable Metrics pages.

For example, to have ProTop run a script that you wrote, which provides more information about the state of the lock table when this alert is fired, add this line to your [PROTOPDIR]/etc/alert.[*].cfg:

lkTableSize num > 500000 "" "daily" "&1 &2 &3" script,alert 

This says when the lkTableSize exceeds 500000, ProTop will look for and execute [PROTOPDIR]/bin/lkTableSize (notice, no file name extension), passing in these parameters:

  • $1=metricName
  • $2=friendlyName
  • $3=full path DB
  • $4=metricValue

It will then send a white alert to the portal containing the output of your script and the normal yellow alert.

You can view the output of your script (script result:) in the portal by hovering over the alert entry in the ProTop Alerts Dashboard:

lkTableSize example