1. ProTop Knowledge Base
  2. Advanced Alerting Configuration

ProTop Configuration File Hierarchy

ProTop is configured with files found in [PROTOPDIR]/etc ending *.cfg. The files are named and applied to resources in etc/dblist.cfg in a manner varying from very specific (only one resource) to across the board (all resources).

NOTE: Default configuration files are provided but should not be modified directly as subsequent updates will likely overwrite them.

If you know you need non-default behavior from a given ProTop component (check with WSS or the forum if you are unsure), copy the default configuration file and rename it according to the following convention:

  1. [cfgType].friendlyName.cfg
  2. [cfgType].serverName.resrcType.cfg
  3. [cfgType].custId.resrcType.cfg
  4. [cfgType].resrcType.cfg
  5. [cfgType].ServerName.cfg
  6. [cfgType].custId.cfg
  7. [cfgType].cfg (the default file, do not change)

ProTop looks for configuration files in the order specified above and stops as soon as one is found. 

The [cfgType] above is a configuration file type in $PROTOP/etc/*.cfg like alert, pt3agent, schedule, message, pt3rt, etc.  The "resrcType" is arbitrary and user-defined but must match the "type" column in etc/dblist.cfg. You can create whatever grouping you like, say "db", place it in the "type" column in etc/dblist.cfg for the resource of concern and in the resrcType position in the configuration file name.  

For example, if you have a generic set of alerts tuned for most databases on a given server, they might be defined in etc/alert.myServer.db.cfg. If you have a specific database that requires a variation of your generic database alerts, you will place them in etc/alert.friendlyName.cfg.  Because ProTop looks for the friendlyName file first, it will find and apply those definitions and ignore the generic ones. For any other database (or other resource defined in etc/dblist.cfg with a "type" of "db"), the definitions in etc/alert.myServer.db.cfg will be used.

One exception to this rule is etc/messages.cfg. That file contains the ProTop responses to promsgs messages written to the database log file by OpenEdge. ProTop always uses the default etc/messages.cfg file then looks for etc/messages.custId.cfg and loads it if found. This allows a site to add and/or override responses to promsgs messages.