Configuration Viewer (c)

omSizeConfiguration Viewer (c)


The configuration panel provides a snapshot of the current database configuration. This information is also available on the web in the ProTop Trends dashboard (requires the commercial version of ProTop).

DB Status and Recoverability

Field Alertable Metric* Description
DB Version xdbVersion Progress OpenEdge version
DLC Age proVersionAge How long Progress has been installed
OS Type N/A Operating system type
DB Up Time dbUpTime Length of time the database has been up
Backup Age dbBkUpAge String version of the elapsed time since the last full backup using probkup including days i.e. 10d 15:08. Will contain "Never!" if a backup has not occured. Third-party backups, OS backups, and incremental backups are not tracked.
Crash Prot (-i) dbIntegrity Status of crash protection. (-i) startup parameter
BI IO (-r) biIOMode Indicates whether or not IO to the BI file is buffered
Tainted (-F) dbTainted Indicates if entry into the database was forced
Index Rebuild dbIdxBld Indicates if the index rebuild flag has been raised
After-Imaging afterImaging Status of after-imaging
Large Files largeFiles Indicates if the OS has been set to accept files larger than two gigabytes
OE Replication oeReplication Status of OpenEdge Replication
DB Auditing dbAuditing Status of database auditing
-DbCheck dbCheck Indicates if the -DbCheck parameter has been enabled
-MemCheck memCheck Indicates if the -MemCheck parameter has been enabled

*Requires data collector "Configuration" in pt3agent.cfg. With the commercial version of ProTop, you can configure alerts using the metric names in this column. For a full list of metrics, see the Alertable Metrics section.

Physical DB Parameters

Field Alertable Metric* Description
DB Size dbSize Size of the database
Alloc Size N/A Amount of disk space allocated to the database
Var Size N/A Size of database variable extent(s)
BI Size biSize Size of the BI file in MB
DB Block Size dbBlkSize Database block size in bytes
BI Cluster Size biClstrSize BI file cluster size in bytes
AI Block Size aiBlkSize AI file block size in bytes
BI Block Size biBlkSize BI file block size in bytes

Important Performance Parameters

Field Alertable Metric* Description
DB Buffers, -B dbBuffers Size of database server memory buffers in number of memory blocks
-B2 b2 Size of alternative database server memory buffers in number of memory blocks
-Bpmax bpMax Maximum total number of client session private buffers
-spin dbSpin Specifies the number of times a process tries to acquire a latch before pausing
-lruskips lruSkips The number of times to access a database memory buffer before moving it to the end of the LRU chain
-lru2skips lru2Skips The number of times to access a database alternative memory buffer before moving it to the end of the LRU chain
-hash hashTbl The number of hash table entries to use for the buffer pool
-hash% hashPct The number of hash table entries in the database memory buffers as a percentage of the total number of database memory buffers
-hashlatchfactor hashLatchFact Number of latches allocated for the Buffer pool Hash Table (BHT) entries as a percent of BHT size
-omsize omSize Size of the object cache for all database objects
-pica pica The size of the database service communications area in kilobytes. The database service communications area is used to store after-image block write notifications intended for OpenEdge Replication
-respacesearchdep recSpaceDepth How deep in the Record Free Chain to search, to find a block with enough free space to fit data, before allocating a new clusters worth of space instead from the Empty Chain where the Area High Water Mark (HWM) is raised
-aibufs aiBuffers Specifies the number of after-image memory buffers
-bibufs biBuffers Specifies the number of before-image memory buffers
-directio directio Whether or not direct IO is enabled. In normal circumstances, it should not be enabled.

Misc Parameters

Field Alertable Metric* Description
Sessions (-n) N/A Maximum number of concurrent connections to the database
Max Srvs (-Mn) maxServers Maximum number of remote client servers that can be started on the system
Cnx/Srv (-Ma) cnxPerServ Maximum number of remote users per database server
Min Cnx(-Mi) minCnx Number of remote users on a server before the broker starts another server
Max Msg (-Mm) maxMsg Specifies the standard message buffer size, in bytes. Message buffers are used to move records between the database an d remote clients (client/server).
PF Delay pfDelay Enables a delay when sending the first network message for queries with prefetch capabilities
PF Factor pfFactor Establish the percentage of a network message required to contain prefetched data before sending the message to a wa iting remote client
PF #Recs pfNumRecs Number of prefetch records to put in a network message before sending the message to a waiting remote client
PF Priority pfPriority Utilizes a "pollskip" that adds n records to the network message of an in-process prefetch query without additio nal polling
-Nmsgwait nMsgWait The number of seconds a server waits for a remote network message before checking for other events such as a datab ase shutdown or forced disconnect of a remote client

Table and Index Range Parameters

Field Alertable Metric* Description
# of LOBs numLOBs Number of Large Objects defined in the database
# App Tables numTbl Number of tables defined in the database
TblStat Base tblBase Lowest file number of files being monitored statistically
TblStat Range tblRange Highest file number of files being monitored statistically
Unmonitored Tbl UnMonTbl Number of files not being monitored statistically
# App Indexes numIdx Number of indexes defined in the database
IdxStat Base idxBase Lowest index number of indexes being monitored statistically
IdxStat Range idxRange Highest index number of indexes being monitored statistically
Unmonitored Idx UnMonIdx Number of indexes not being monitored statistically

Storage Area Configuration

Field Alertable Metric* Description
# of LOBs numLOBs Number of large objects in the database

Parameters Not to be Messed With

Field Alertable Metric* Description
Direct IO directIo Whether or not direct IO is enabled. In normal circumstances, it should never be enabled.
-bistall biStall Quiets the database when the recovery log threshold is reached, without performing an emergency shutdown
-aistall aiStall If all AI files are filled, suspends database activity until an AI extent is emptied
BI Cluster Age biClstrAge Specifies the number of seconds before OpenEdge reuses a before-image cluster
-Bpmax bpMax Maximum total number of client session private buffers
-DbCheck dbCheck Whether Database Consistency Check is enabled. When enabled, this option applies consistency checks to all index blocks and record blocks for record and index write operations.

Shared Memory Parameters

Field Alertable Metric* Description
-Mxs excessSHM The value of the shared-memory overflow area. The overflow area is appended to the shared memory area. If the overflow area is too small, the database engine exits.
SHM Seg Sz dbSHMSegSize Maximum number of bytes in a shared memory segment
SHM Alloc dbSHMSize Number of bytes allocated to shared memory segments
SHM Free dbSHMFree Number of bytes available in shared memory segments
# SHM Segs dbSHMSeg Number of shared memory segments
SHM Pinned dbSHMpinned Indicates whether or not the database server has requested the operating system to avoid swapping shared memory. Ignored on Windows and AIX. See https//

Storage Area Configuration

Field Alertable Metric* Description
Area Config areaConfig The type of database area configuration. Should be “Extended type 2"
# Extent Areas numAreas Number of different disk areas holding database extents
# of Extents numExtents Number of extent files in the database
Lrgst Extent lrgExtent Size, in bytes, of the largest extent associated with the database
Schema Area N/A Number of the area containing the schema extent
RPB Settings rpbSettings Records per block setting
Areas Full N/A Number of database areas filled
Worst Area worstArea In areas with fixed extents, the area making the most use of its variable extent
AI Areas aiAreas Number of After-Imaging areas defined
AI Area Type aiSettings Types of AI files - Disabled, Fixed, Variable, or Mixed
AI Sequence# aiSeq Filled AI files since the database server process started
AI Archiver aiArchiver Status of after-image archive

Miscellaneous Information

Field Alertable Metric* Description
.lg File Age lgFileDays Age of the current database log file
.lg File Sz lgFileSize Size, in bytes, of the current database log file
dbanlys Age dbaAge Number of days since the last dbanlys was run
dbanlys as of dbaAsOf Time the last dbanlys was run
SQL stats Age sqlStats Age of the last run of “UPDATE STATISTICS”
SQL stats TS sqlStatsTS Date/Time stamp of the last run of "UPDATE STATISTICS"

*Requires data collector "Configuration" in pt3agent.cfg. With the commercial version of ProTop, you can configure alerts using the metric names in this column. For a full list of metrics, see the Alertable Metrics section.