Disk Free Space (D)

Disk Free Space (D)

ProTop is not a Linux/Windows system monitoring tool. However, we do monitor filesystem usage as it directly impacts system availability.

ProTop RT Label Alertable Metric* Description
Mount mnt Mount name of disk drives
Size (GB) fs-size Size of the drives
Free (GB) fs-free Amount of free space on a drive
%Used fsPctUsed Amount of disk drive space in use expressed as a percentage of total drive capacity
#Inodes inode-num Number of Inodes on the drive
InodesFree inode-free Number of Inodes available
%Inodes inPctUsed Number of Inodes in use as a percentage of the total number of Inodes
FS Type fs-type File System type
Mount Options fs-opts Drives mounted with these options
Device dev Drive's device name

*Requires data collector "df" in pt3agent.cfg. With the commercial version of ProTop, you can configure alerts using the metric names in this column. For a complete list of metrics, please look at the Alertable Metrics section.

Do you not see any data under the Disk Free Space (D) panel?

Are you using a language other than English and do not have English installed on your Windows server? English is the default language set in the command used to gather disk data.

Override the command being used to gather disk information and change the language being used.

Edit your bin\localenv.bat (copy it from localenv.batx if you do not already have one) and add this line:

set DFCMD=wmic logicaldisk get compressed,deviceid,drivetype,filesystem,freespace,name,size,status,statusinfo,volumename,volumeserialnumber /format:"%WINDIR%\System32\wbem\en-US\csv"

Change en-US in this line to a language you do have installed. It will be in %WINDIR%\system32\wbem.

For example, if you run German on your server, change en-US in the line above to de-DE.  

Be sure to test the command manually at the command line to verify it works as expected before committing it to bin\localenv.bat.