Show ProTop Properties (&)

Review and adjust specific ProTop properties.

Show ProTop Properties (&)

You should not edit any fields unless you already KNOW EXACTLY what you're doing. Even more specific, unless someone from White Star Software or one of its distributors tells you SPECIFICALLY what to change, don't touch it.

Field Descriptions

ProTop RT Label Description
custId Unique identifier for each ProTop installation/customer
Friendly Name Short descriptor for each resource (anything ProTop monitors)
Resource Group Name for a set of grouped resources, usually database server schema holders
Auto Update Method Either 'curl' or 'http.' The method used to download updated data.
Unique File Used internally by ProTop
Lock Scan Limit Maximum lock table entries to scan before stopping. There are known issues when scanning very large lock tables.
Server The name of the box where the database server process is running, ie, the server where you're running this command
Portal ProTop web portal for a specific installation. If you use 'pt3agents,' they will upload data to this web portal.
Proxy HTTP proxy server (if necessary)
TMPDIR Directory where all temp files are stored
LOGDIR Directory where all log files are stored
RPTDIR Directory where all report files are stored
DBI Downgrade If an error message relates to a DBI file 'yes,' downgrade the PAGE to an ALARM (for paid customers)
Backup Info Seconds a backup takes before an info alert is issued and uploaded to the web portal
Backup Alert Seconds a backup takes before an alert is issued and uploaded to the web portal
Backup Alarm Seconds a backup takes before an alarm is issued and uploaded to the web portal
Backup Page Seconds a backup takes before a page is issued and uploaded to the web portal
Quiet Point Info Seconds a quiet point exists before an info alert is issued and uploaded to the web portal
Quiet Point Alert Seconds a quiet point exists before an alert is issued and uploaded to the web portal
Quiet Point Alarm Seconds a quiet point exists before an alarm is issued and uploaded to the web portal
Quiet Point Page Seconds a quiet point exists before a page is issued and uploaded to the web portal
BI Backup Info Seconds the BI file phase of a backup takes before an info alert is issued and uploaded to the web portal
BI Backup Alert Seconds the BI file phase of a backup takes before an alert is issued and uploaded to the web portal
BI Backup Alarm Seconds the BI file phase of a backup takes before an alarm is issued and uploaded to the web portal
BI Backup Page Seconds the BI file phase of a backup takes before a page is issued and uploaded to the web portal
Long AI Switch Info Seconds it takes to archive and switch the busy AI file before an info alert is issued and uploaded to the web portal
Long AI Switch Alert Seconds it takes to archive and switch the busy AI file before an alert is issued and uploaded to the web portal
Long AI Switch Alarm Seconds it takes to archive and switch the busy AI file before an alarm is issued and uploaded to the web portal
Long AI Switch Page Seconds it takes to archive and switch the busy AI file before a page is issued and uploaded to the web portal
Debug Level For use by White Star Software or its distributors to debug problems with the ProTop installation
Very Old Trx Age Seconds a transaction is open before display properties are changed
BogoMIPS Iterations Number of iterations to execute when calculating BogoMIPS
IO Response Probes Number of disk reads used to calculate IO Response
AI Check Interval Interval seconds between AI status checks
PICA Check Interval Interval seconds between PICA status checks
Appsrv Stuck Age Seconds since an agent last changed before it is defined as "stuck"
Top X Rows Maximum number of rows certain processes can display in one group
Enable UserLock Data Access select VST files. Requires OpenEdge v11.7+
Enable User Experience Calculated speed of record reads from the buffer pool
Allow rfutil for AI status "yes" for OpenEdge versions prior to v11.7
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"df' command Custom command to calculate disk space usage
inodes "df" Command Command to calculate space usage based on inodes
"mount" command Preferred mount command for this OS
"mail" Command Command to execute when sending email
IO Response File List File to be used when calculating IO Response Times