Monitor Users of a Table (8)
To monitor users of a table, you must first set the table name (9).
ProTop RT Label | Alertable Metric* | Description |
Usr# | usrNum | Unique user number reference used by Progress schema tables |
User Name | UsrName | User name associated with the Usr# |
Churn | tblTurn | The ratio of record reads to the number of records in that table. For instance, a table with 100 records read 1000 times per second would have a churn of 10. This does not necessarily mean that “table scans” are taking place – it could just as easily be a single record read over and over and over. |
Create | tblCr | Number of records created |
Read | tblRd | Number of records read |
Update | tblUp | Number of records updated |
Delete | tblDl | Number of records deleted |
CSC Age | lastUpd | If enabled, the number of seconds since the user's Client Statement Cache (CSC) was last updated |
Line# | lineNum | If CSC is enabled, line number of the currently running program |
Program Name | procName | If CSC is enabled, name of the currently running program |
*Requires data collector "UsersOfTable" in pt3agent.cfg. With the commercial version of ProTop, you can configure alerts using the metric names in this column. For a full list of metrics, see the Alertable Metrics section.