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  2. Web Portal Administration

Alert Responses Administration

Alert Responses Administration allows the administrator to edit and test alert responses which are built on top of alert response services.

What is an Alert Response Response?

An alert response tells the portal how to communicate alert events to interested recipients. A response might be sending an email or passing alert event details to Slack, JIRA, or any Webhook-enabled service your team uses.

Administrators can create one or more ways for the portal to respond to alerts from a given site, alert type, and applicable resources.

For example, they can create an email (SMTP) response and a Slack response for all page-type alerts coming from any resource of a given site. When a page-type alert arrives at the portal, Slack and email messages will be sent. 

This can be filtered to specific resources so you can send alert responses to different recipients based on specific resources, not just the alert type.

Here are the details:

Field Description
Site Site name as found in [PROTOPDIR]/etc/custid.cfg
Alert Type See the table located at the bottom of this page
Resources Select the resources this alert response applies to
Service See the service table located at the bottom of this page
Email Recipients

Comma-delimited list of email addresses to receive alert messages. See the following tables for the correct mobile email address format for your country and carrier.

NOTE: Do not put phone numbers directly into this list!

Enabled Whether the alert is enabled

Mobile Number Email Address Format by Carrier - USA

AT&T ###@txt.att.net
T-Mobile ###@tmomail.net
Sprint ###@messaging.sprintpcs.com
Verizon ###@vtext.com
Verizon ###@vzwpix.com
Virgin Mobile ###@vmobl.com
Tracfone ###@mmst5.tracfone.com
Ting ###@message.ting.com
Boost mobile ###@myboostmobile.com
U.S.Cellular ###@email.uscc.net
Metro PCS ###@mymetropcs.com

Mobile Number Email Address Format by Carrier - Canada

Bell/Solo Mobility ###@txt.bell.ca
Fido ###@fido.ca
Chatr, Rogers,and Tbaytel ###@pcs.rogers.com
Eastlink ###@mms.eastlink.ca
Koodo Mobile ###@txt.mtsmobility.com
PC Mobile ###@mobiletxt.ca
Public Mobile ###@msg.telus.com
Sasktel ###@sms.sasktel.com
Telus ###@msg.telus.com
Virgin Mobile ###@vmobile.ca
Wind Mobile ###@txt.windmobile.ca

Create an Alert Response - Add Alert Response Button

A popup window appears when clicked, allowing the user to create an alert response record:

Field Description
Site Site name as found in [PROTOPDIR]/etc/custid.cfg
Resources Select the resources to which this alert response applies.  Leave blank for "all"
Alert Type See the table located at the bottom of this page
Notification Service See the service table located at the bottom of this page
Enabled Whether the alert is enabled
  1. Select the Site this alert response is for from the drop-down.
  2. Select the Resources to which this alert response applies.  Leave this field blank for "all".
  3. Select the Alert Type from the drop-down.
  4. Select the Alert Response Service for this Alert Response.
  5. Be sure the Enabled field is checked if you want this Alert Response to be used. Uncheck the box if you want to prevent these from going out.
  6. Click the Submit button and the new response will appear in the list.

Manage Services Button

Two popup windows appear side-by-side. The left one displays defined Alert Response Services and allows the user to delete them, while the right one allows the user to create or update Alert Response Services.

Left side window:

Field Description
Type See table located at the bottom of this page
Site Site name (from [PROTOPDIR]/etc/custid.cfg)
Name Alert response service name

Dragging a column header into the space above the column headers will sort alert response records by that column in ascending order.

Right side window - the fields displayed vary depending upon the defined Alert Response Service selected on the left or the type of service selected from the Create Service dropdown:

Service Type Values:

Service Type Description
Slack Alerts are sent to the site’s configured Slack channel
Microsoft Teams Alerts are sent to the configured Teams channel
SMTP Alerts are sent to the email addresses listed 
Webhook Alerts sent to a web application
JIRA Alerts sent to a Jira channel

When "Slack" is selected as service type


Field Description
Site Site name (from [PROTOPDIR]/etc/custid.cfg)
Name Alert response service name
URL Slack Channel URL/key where messages are sent

When "Microsoft Teams" is selected as the service type:

Field Description
Site Site name (from [PROTOPDIR]/etc/custid.cfg)
Name Alert response service name
Microsoft Teams URL Teams Channel URL to which alerts are sent

When "SMTP" is selected as service type



Site Site name (from [PROTOPDIR]/etc/custid.cfg)
Name Alert response service name
Sender Email address of the sender
Host Host identifier for email target
Port Port listed as the SMTP port on the target host
Username Username acceptable to target host
Password The password associated with the username
SSL Indicates SSL required / in use
Use as default email service For automated tasks that do not use an alert response

Note: The username and password above can be used for authentication on SMTP servers that do not require or allow other forms of authentication.

When "Webhook" is selected as the service type:


Field Description
Site Site name (from [PROTOPDIR]/etc/custid.cfg)
Name Alert response service name
URL URL of the web service configured to receive alerts
HTTP Method See table at bottom of this page
Query String Template Defined by the web application receiving the webhook; adds values to the URL to complete the query string for delivery to the web app. (see Template Variables below)
Headers Define custom HTTP headers here
Payload Template Defined by the web application receiving the webhook; defines the event and data objects sent to the web app after being populated with alert details (see Template Variables below)

NOTE:  Webhook Template Variables

There are currently two template variables available for you to use in query strings and/or payloads:

  • {notificationTitle} which represents the subject line of the notification and
  • {notificationText} this represents the notification body (note that this may contain multiple alerts)

When "JIRA" is selected as service type


Field Description
Site Site name (from [PROTOPDIR]/etc/custid.cfg)
Name Alert response service name
URL Internet address of the Jira channel configured to receive alerts
JIRA User Email Email address of the Jira user monitoring the channel
Access Token Access token for JIRA user email
JIRA Project Key Project key for JIRA user email


Alert Types

Field Description
alarm Appears in orange in the portal
info Appears in blue
page Appears in red
warning Appears in yellow


Webhook HTTP Methods

Field Description
Get Standard "Get" method
Post Standard "Post" method
Patch User defined method
Delete User defined method


Service Type values

Field Description
Slack Alerts sent to the site’s configured Slack channel
SMTP Alerts sent to the emails listed when you create an Alert Response
Webhook Alerts sent to a web application
JIRA Alerts sent to a Jira channel