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Chronograf quick tutorial

For owners of on-premise or dedicated tenant portals and superadmins, the Chronograf interface provides direct query access to the raw ProTop metric data.

If you have not already added a connection to choose from the drop-down pointed out by item 3 below, click the wrench icon (Configuration) at the bottom of the grey left-side menu. In the next screen (if the form does not automatically appear) click Add Connection in the upper right.

Now fill in the connection URL which is of the form:  

Note the dash between influx and the siteid.
Name the connection for the siteid.
Click the Add Connection button, then Next, skip, and Finish. 

You should now be able to follow along with the rest of this tutorial.

How to quickly see the value of a metric over time, just click-by-number:

How to see a metric over time, with lots of words:

Example: Over the past year, we'd like to see lckDurMS for the z8331 site, sports database.

  1. Open the portal that houses the resource you are interested in. In this case, dashboard.wss.com.
  2. Click the Chronograf icon from the left side menu, or click on your name in the upper right corner, then select Chronograf from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Configuration (wrench) icon to select an influx database to connect to. 
  4. Click the Connect button next to z8331; it will turn green and say Connected.
  5. Click the Explore (line chart) icon. 
  6. Click the Add a Query button in the lower half of the screen or click the 
  7. Click the protop.default database link on the left, lower half of the screen.  The list of entities/data collectors appears in the center.
  8. lkDurMS is part of the dashboard data collector so click dashboard to reveal its attributes.
  9. Click sname to see the list of resources.
  10. Click z8331.sports. A blue dot will appear to the left of the resource name.
  11. In the Fields column in the lower left, scroll down to lkDurMS and select it.  A blue dot will appear next to it.
  12. Click the blue button to the right labeled "1 Function".
  13. Click the blue button labeled mean to deselect it.
  14. Click the green Apply button on the right.  
  15. Raw data points now appear in the upper half of the screen.
  16. In the upper right, below the green Send to Dashboard button is the time horizon selector. Click it and then click the Date Picker which will appear to the left. Select This Year from the Shortcuts list on the left.  The chart will now display the dashboard.lkDurMS values for z8331.sports for the past year.
  17. The clear this query, click the "x" at the right end of the query tab in the middle row of the screen.

Learn more by visiting "Get started with Chronograf."