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  2. Web Portal Administration

Users Administration

Users administration allows administrative users to view, add, delete and update user records in the ProTop portal.

Here are the details:


Click on any column header to group records according to entries in the column. Click cycles through:

1) Default order

2) Sorted in ascending column entry order

3) Sorted in descending column entry order

Field Description
Site Site name (as found in [PROTOPDIR]/etc/custid.cfg)
User name User code
Full Name Full name
Email Email address for the user
Roles See the Roles table at the bottom of this page
Last login Date/Time the user last logged in to ProTop
Last access Date/Time the user last interacted with ProTop. Example: You logged in @ 08:00, but you last requested an action @ 10:20
Password (icon) Click to reset user password
Edit (icons) Click to edit or delete the site record

Add User button

Allows the administrator to add user records:


Field Description
Site Site name (as found in [PROTOPDIR]/etc/custid.cfg)
Full name User's full name
User name User record code
Nickname optional Common name for the user
Email Email associated with User name
Password Password for User login
Confirm password Enter the password for a second time to verify no typos
Roles See the Roles table at the bottom of the page
Send notification email Click the checkbox to send a confirmation email to the new user

Manage User Roles Button

Allows an admin to manage roles for users of multiple sites. This feature is intended for scenarios such as an administrator (perhaps a consultant) assigned the admin role for multiple sites.


Click on any column header to sort records according to entries in the column. Click cycles through:

1) Not sorted in column order

2) Sorted in ascending column entry order

3) Sorted in descending column entry order

Field Description
Site Site name (as found in [PROTOPDIR]/etc/custid.cfg)
User User code
Role See the Roles table at the bottom of this page

Assign New Role Button

Allows the administrator to add roles for unrelated sites to the same user:



Field Description

Read access to resource, alert, trend, and health check data of assigned sites


Administers alert response, outage, resource, and user data of assigned sites

portal admin

Can create and administer sites, resources, alert responses, alert response services, API Keys, users, outages etc

superadmin WSS staff and specific designees can administer all aspects of the portal and all client data