Portal Release Notes 4.3

New features, enhancements and bug fixes for this version

New feature Generic File Upload Service: The portal now has the ability to receive files like analysis reports, schemas files, from the Protop client and store them locally to be viewed directly from the web without having to access the server An upload utility will be available soon with the next release of Protop real-time.
Enhancement Alert Response: You can now send alerts to a different recipient depending on what resource triggered the alerts.
Enhancement Users drop down in Assign new role is now in alphabetic order
Enhancement Outage creation: Inactive resources are not shown when selecting resources
bugfix Filter by severity (right-click on an alert) does not work on the first time
bugfix Filter in omnisearch does not persists when changing screen
bugfix A newly added resource will not be visible until cache refreshed after 5 minutes
bugfix Some fields in resource management, like environment and thresholds cannot be updated
bugfix Links to documentation in the new site creation email are wrong