Follow these steps to resolve issues with ProTop like agents not starting, the ProTop3 DB Monitor service starting but stopping right away or if you are getting "No Heartbeat" pages from the ProTop Portal.
- Open the Windows Services app and stop the ProTop3 DB Monitor service.
- Remove all the files from your PROTOPDIR\tmp folder. If you get errors about not being able to remove files, skip to step 4.
- Start the ProTop3 DB Monitor service. This usually does the trick. If the service complains about files in use, then other ProTop processes are likely holding onto those files. Go on to the next step.
- Use Process Explorer to identify and kill processes holding onto files in your ProTop installation folder:
- Open a command window with administrative privileges.
- Start PROTOPDIR\ubin\procexp.
- Use the search tool (binoculars icon) to search for your protop installation directory name, e.g., "protop" from c:\protop.
- Kill any process (usually _progres.exe) you find in the search for your ProTop directory name. Be sure to remove only the ProTop processes.
- When all the ProTop processes are gone, you should be able to remove any remaining files in PROTOPDIR\tmp.
- You should now be able to start the ProTop3 DB Monitor service.
- Verify that it remains running.
If all else fails...
Contact us at or use the online chat. We'll be happy to help.