1. ProTop Knowledge Base
  2. Advanced Alerting Configuration

Send Custom Alerts from your Application to the ProTop Portal

Here are the steps to send a custom alert to your ProTop Alerts Dashboard using bin/sendalert.sh or bin/sendalert.bat.


sendalert.[sh|bat] <friendlyName> [ -type alertType ] [-m myAlertName ] [ -msg "Alert message in quotes" ]

<friendlyName> The name assigned to the resource in your etc/dblist.cfg file.
-type One of [ info (blue) | alert (yellow) | alarm (orange) | page (red) ]

-m <keyword> Give your custom alert a name (no spaces). This is the first part of the alert subject seen in the portal.
-msg <"message with spaces"> What do you want to convey in the alert? Put it in quotes. This is the second part of the alert subject seen in the portal.

For this example command:

sendalert.sh mb117sports -type info -m testMetric -msg "test msg"

You will see this on the portal: