1. ProTop Knowledge Base
  2. ProTop Portal Alerts Dashboard

(794) Usernum [num] terminated abnormally.

I see many of these in my alerts feed on the ProTop Portal. What should I do?

What does it mean?

These users are closing their windows rather than backing out of the application.

What to do?

Request that your users close their sessions properly by exiting the application correctly rather than just closing the window.

If that is impossible, you can eliminate this alert "noise" by editing your etc/messages.[custid].cfg (if not there, copy from messages.cfg) and changing “info” on this line:

"794" "info" 3600 25 "(794)   Usernum 2552 terminated abnormally."


"794" "ignore" 3600 25 "(794)   Usernum 2552 terminated abnormally."