1. ProTop Knowledge Base
  2. Advanced Alerting Configuration

Where to place the username (-U) and password (-P) required to connect ProTop to a client database.

Some clients have enabled authentication in their OpenEdge databases to control who can access which tables. You will need credentials to connect ProTop to such resources.

Starting in version 3.3s, ProTop recognizes these optional .pf files for the pt3agent:

  • etc/protop.pf
  • etc/custId.pf
  • etc/serverName.pf
  • etc/type.pf
  • etc/friendlyName.pf

If these .pf files exist, they will be added to the pt3agent startup command in the order shown.  

The db name should NOT be included in these parameter files as it is independently added to the startup parameters.  

NOTE: etc/protop.pf is NO LONGER SAFE for your localizations (such as -U and -P, for example).

So, if *every* resource the customer has requires -U and -P, then you should create etc/custid.pf and put them there.  If only one particular resource requires the parameters, then you would use etc/friendlyName.pf.