Which processes are using the most memory on my Windows box?

Here is a Windows batch file that records the top 10 highest memory using processes to a log file. Run it from the task scheduler every 15 minutes.

Be sure to edit this bat file to match your environment.

@echo off

REM schedule this to run in your task scheduler as frequently as you need it (say every 15 minutes)

REM do not run from etc\schedule.*.cfg as this logic does not work with the sort command provided with ProTop

REM this is just an example, your mileage may vary

set LOGDIR=c:\protop\log

set logfile=%LOGDIR%\mem_usage.log

echo. >> %logfile%

echo Logging process memory usage at %date% %time% >> %logfile%

echo ============================================================================== >> %logfile%

echo. >> %logfile%

echo Process List (Top 10 sorted by Memory Usage in KB, descending): >> %logfile%

echo.  >> %logfile%

echo   Image Name                     PID Session Name        Session#    Mem Usage >> %logfile%

echo   ========================= ======== ================ =========== ============ >> %logfile%

:: Capture the list of all processes with PID and memory usage, sort by memory usage in descending order

tasklist /fo table /nh | sort /R /+64 | findstr/n ^^|findstr "^[1-9]: ^1[0]:" >> %logfile%

:: Add spacing for readability

echo. >> %logfile%

echo ============================================================================== >> %logfile%

echo. >> %logfile%


Here is the Linux version:  How to find processes using the most memory