Alert: waits num > 0

What does it mean? What do I do about it?

Example alert from the ProTop Portal:

What does it mean?

In your PASOE context, this is the number of times a request had to wait to reserve a session.

What to do?

Use ProTop RT's "j" command key to see the current health of your PASOE instance. This alert corresponds to the rightmost column labeled "Waits."  You'll need to widen your screen if you do not see the column. 

You can also see this metric trended in the ProTop Portal Trends: PASOE Statistics Dashboard.

These alerts indicate that some PASOE tuning is required (OS, JVM, Tomcat, OE Web App, Multi-Session client, and/or ABL Application).

Please take a look at the PASEO Tuning Guide for more information.

If all else fails...

Contact us at or use the online chat. We'll be happy to help.