
All about ProTop's etc/dblist.cfg file

The PROTOPDIR/etc/dblist.cfg file contains one line for each OpenEdge component ProTop is currently configured to monitor.  Each line consists of the following components, separated by pipe symbols and in this order:



Mandatory? Description
friendlyName yes An arbitrary name for the component being monitored by ProTop.  e.g. protop myProdDb
 /dbpath/dbName (no .db) yes The explicit path of the database, including the database name without the .db extension. e.g. /data/app1/db/sports (drop the .db).  If the component is not a database, use -1 here instead. 
serverName yes The output of the hostname command for the server.
monitor yes

Is this component being monitored by ProTop? 
yes or no 

dlc no Used by when starting agents where the component does not use the default DLC for this ProTop installation as set in bin/protopenv.
group (aka type or  resrcType) no This corresponds with the resource's Group attribute in the ProTop Portal. It is used in conjunction with the ProTop Configuration File Hierarchy and is referred to there as "group".