Debugging ProTop

If ProTop is not behaving as expected, you can turn up the logging level to get a more precise read on the issue.

ProTop allows for nine levels of logging or debug modes:

  1. dbgmode = 1  very minimal
  2. dbgmode = 2  additional setup info
  3. dbgmode = 3 errors
  4. dbgmode = 4. success
  5. dbgmode = 5  errors, success, and verbose info
  6. dbgmode = 6-9 socket communications

NOTE: You should only use something higher than five if working with ProTop development.

Enable a higher debug mode

Determine which ProTop process is having the issue; it could be ProTop RT (the chui real-time interface), the dbmonitor, a pt3agent, or any other ProTop component indicated by White Star Software.

Then, for example, if we are investigating an issue with the dbmonitor:

1. cd $PROTOP/tmp

echo 3 (at most 5) >  dbmonitor.dbg

2. The dbmonitor process will read the .dbg file and set the higher level of debug messaging internally; there is no need to restart it.

3. Investigate log/dbmonitor.log for detailed reporting of errors (or everything, if using 5).

Disable the higher debug mode

1. Once you have completed your investigation, disable the higher level of monitoring by either:

echo 1 > PROTOPDIR/tmp/dbmonitor.dbg

2. Or, remove $PROTOP/tmp/dbmonitor.dbg and restart the dbmonitor.

Setting a higher debug mode for other protop components

First, cd $PROTOP/tmp, then:

  • pt3agent:  echo 5 > pt3agent.[friendlyName].dbg
  • ProTop RT:  see the bottom of this KBase entry 
  • or as instructed by White Star Software
Lower the debug mode (echo 1 > tmp/*.dbg) or remove the tmp/*.dbg file you created and restart the component to disable higher-level debugging.