1. ProTop Knowledge Base
  2. ProTop Real-Time (RT) Monitoring

Starting ProTop Real-Time (RT)

How do I start the ProTop Real-Time CHUI (character user interface) monitoring tool?

If ProTop is not installed, click here for the installation guide.

For UNIX-based systems

  1. Login to the server and change directories to the ProTop installation directory ($PROTOP).
  2. Run bin/protop with one argument. That argument should either be

    • A friendly name listed in etc/dblist.cfg. Example: bin/protop friendlyname
    • The full path and database name. Example: bin/protop /path/to/db/dbname

For Windows-based systems

On Windows, there are two options:

  1. Log onto the Windows box that has ProTop installed
  2. Open a proenv window
  3. Run bin\protop with one argument. That argument should either be

    • A friendly name listed in etc\dblist.cfg. Example: bin\protop friendlyname
    • The full path and database name. Example: bin\protop \path\to\db\dbname

Or, create a Windows desktop shortcut

    • Open Windows File Explorer to the ProTop installation directory (%PROTOP%), then to the bin subdirectory
    • Double-click on mkscut.bat. This will create a desktop shortcut for ProTop
    • Right-click the newly created icon and select "Rename" to give the shortcut a more meaningful name
    • Right-click again and select "Properties"
    • Select the "Shortcut" tab
    • Add the friendly name or full DB path to the end of the "Target:"
    • Click on "OK"
    • Test by double-clicking the shortcut

Ok, I've got it started; what's next?

Have a look at these ProTop Help Pages to learn about ProTop RT's functionality:

Set up your ProTop environment

This allows you to run ProTop commands like "protop friendlyName" without having to be in the bin directory:

  • log in to the server that has ProTop installed
  • cd to your ProTop installation bin directory
  • for Linux run:  .  protopenv (that's a period followed by protopenv, which will set the environment variables in the current shell)
  • for Windows run:  protopenv
Now you can go about your business, and when you need to run a protop command, you can do so without needing to be in your ProTop bin directory.