1. ProTop Knowledge Base
  2. Advanced Alerting Configuration

Full Backup Alert Configuration

Be alerted to the fact that your last full Progress database backup (probkup) is too old.


The metric dbBkUpFull (number of seconds since the last full probkup) alert definition affords you complete control over alerting for the age of your full backup.  The line in etc/alert.cfg looks like this:

dbBkUpFull     num  >     129600  "" "daily" "&1 &2 &3" alert                                 # 115200 = 32 hours, 129600 = 36 hours, 172,800 = 48 hours

If you are updating your ProTop installation regularly you should see this metric in your etc/alert.cfg.  If you do not, please update your ProTop installation to the latest version following this guide.

Once your ProTop installation is up to date you can copy that line from etc/alert.cfg and paste it into your active etc/alert.*.cfg file using a plain text editor.  The name of your active etc/alert.*.cfg file might look like etc/alert.myCustid.cfg, where myCustid is the string inside etc/custid.cfg.  It might also be named for specific servers you have ProTop installed on or other OpenEdge components .  For other names your installation may be using see the article on ProTop configuration file naming hierarchy.