How to get the latest version of ProTop

Use the following steps to update your ProTop installation.

NOTE: If you update to the latest version of ProTop and something in your environment is negatively affected, revert to your previous version of ProTop by following the steps in How do I restore ProTop to a pervious version?

For versions 322 and later ...

A. Set up your ProTop environment (PROTOPDIR/bin/protopenv[.bat])

B. Back up your current $PROTOP installation

C. Then run:


This will bring you up to date with the latest release.

For versions before ProTop 322 ...

Use the following instructions to update ProTop manually:

A. open a shell/cmd window and cd to your ProTop installation

B. back up your current $PROTOP installation

C. remove any existing ProTop provided .p and .r files and the old update script


find . -name "*.[rip]" -type f -delete


rm bin/


del /s /q *.r
del /s /q *.i
del /s /q *.p

del bin\pt3upd.bat

D. Pull down the latest ProTop bits into your ProTop installation directory

wget HTTP://[your ProTop portal]/pt3upd/pt.[tar.gz|.zip]

For example:


wget HTTP://


wget HTTP://

E. expand the archive into your ProTop directory


tar xvzf pt.tar.gz


You may be able to use tar or some other form of cmd line tool:

 c:\protop> tar.exe -xf

Otherwise, use Windows Explorer to locate the in your ProTop installation directory, double-click it, and expand all files into the ProTop directory.

NOTE: If you are upgrading from a pre-322 version of ProTop and use SSL, please read this article to set up your SSL environment before running the installer. 

F. Run the installer

Interactive - execute: 


in your ProTop installation directory. Select the option to install for an existing custid and enter your custid when prompted (it is in etc/custid.cfg).

Batch - Set up your Progress environment using proenv, then execute this command in your ProTop installation directory. You will not be prompted for your custid:

 _progres -1 -b -p lib/install.p -errorstack >> log/update.log 2>> tmp/pt3inst.err