User Information Viewer (U)

User Information Viewer (U)

The User Information Viewer drills down and focuses on one particular database connection. Select the user by user number (Set Usr# (#)) or PID (Set Process ID (P)).

Field Descriptions

ProTop RT Label Alertable Metric* Description
Login Name N/A Login name of the user being viewed
Usr # usrNum User number of the user being viewed
Connection Id N/A Connection ID of the user being viewed
PID usrPID OS process ID
TID N/A Process thread ID. In OpenEdge v11 and v12, the only client processes that are multi-threaded are PASOE agents.
Session Info N/A See below
TRX Info N/A Transaction information

Session Info values

Flag Description
Type ABL or SQL
Cnx Self service or remote client server
S Shared memory client
R Remote client
L Login broker
@ Server
H helper
O Other
4 4GL Client
W Webspeed client
B Batch client
A Application server
X Unknown
* Transaction active
d Disconnecting
r Undo or error
I STOP or Ctrl-c
N- Notification pending
-N Notification in process
NN Notification pending and in process
ProTop RT Label Alertable Metric* Description
Login Time usrLoginTm Date and time the User connected to the database server
Device/IP usrIPAddr If connected via shared memory, the device (tty) associated with the process. If connected via Remote Client, the IP address.
Full Name N/A Full name of the user, if available
Phone N/A Phone number of the user, if available
E-Mail N/A E-Mail address of the user, if available
ProTop RT Label Alertable Metric* Description
-Bp Bufs N/A The maximum number of private read-only buffers set at client startup
-Bp Used N/A The current number of private read-only buffers
Server usrSrv For client/server connections, the user's server connection ID
Serv PID N/A Server OS process ID
Serv TID N/A Server Thread ID. As of OpenEdge 12, server processes are multi-threaded
ProTop RT Label Alertable Metric* Description
BI Reads N/A Number of BI Reads by the usercmd
BI Writes N/A Number of BI Writes by the user
AI Reads N/A Number of AI Reads by the user
AI Writes N/A Number of AI Writes by the user
ProTop RT Label Alertable Metric* Description
Logical Rd N/A Number of logical read by the user
Logical Wr N/A Number of logical written by the user
Disk Reads tblOSRd Number of operating system reads by the user
Hit % N/A Percentage of logical reads from the database buffer cache
Num Trx N/A Number of committed transactions by the user
Curr Locks N/A Number of records currently locked by the user
Lock HWM N/A High water mark of concurrent locks

Session Table Activity

This section displays detailed information on the tables being accessed by the user.

Session Index Activity

This section displays detailed information on the indexes being accessed by the user.

Session 4GL Call Stack

If client statement cache is enabled, information on the program and line of code being executed will appear here. Note that this is the last line of code to access this database, not necessarily the last line of code executed by the client.

User's Other Sessions

It can be useful to know if the same user is logged in multiple times, and to see information on those other logins.