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  2. ProTop Real-Time (RT) Monitoring

Special Key Mappings for ProTop RT

ProTop allows local definition of special key mappings (comma-prefixed command keys for ProTop RT) via etc/keys.local.cfg

Why would I want to do this?

Do you have a ProTop command key being intercepted by a mapped key on your desktop?  Create a ",<key>" definition to invoke it instead. 

This can also replace control-command keys in the XTRASTART variable.

On Windows, they can replace ProTop RT control-command key sequences that are sometimes trapped when "Enable Ctrl Key Shortcuts" is turned on, and you cannot turn it off.

Here is the default etc/keys.local.cfg:

# keys.local.cfg
# local key definitions invoked with a comma prefix
# key action argument [option]
# key           is case-sensitive
# action        either "publish" or "run"
# argument      either an event to publish or a procedure to run; tip: to trigger a data collecter use the "protop_show" event
# option        if the action is "publish" then an optional character option can be passed (the name of the associated data collector if the event was "protop_show")
# example of defining comma-x as "uio", useful for testing the comma command capability.
# in this case ",x" should have the same affect as plain old "u"

x publish protop_show "UserIOActivity"

# always end with a comment

In short, the above allows you to use ",x" to show or hide the "u" panel (the UserIOActivity data collector) the same way the "u" command key does. Try it, its already enabled!