1. ProTop Knowledge Base
  2. Advanced Alerting Configuration

Troubleshooting PASOE monitoring with webget.p

If you are having issues getting ProTop to monitor your PASOE instance(s), use this tool to test the various combinations of options.

To debug with more details, without needing to start ProTop RT, and without using the PASOE data collector, cd to your ProTop installation and run the following command:
pro -p util/webget.p -param "localhost|22100|/oemanager/applications||dG9tY2F0OnRvbWNhdA=="
  • The components of the above "-param" string are spelled out in the Configure ProTop to Monitor PASOE article. 
  • Note the double pipe (“||”) between "/oemanager/applications” and the login credentials. This is where a proxy would go if you have one.
That will bring up:
Debug level 7 is plenty high enough.
Press F1 or control-x to execute.  You should see something similar to this:

Both xresult and xrspHdr are truncated, but you should be able to see enough to know if it was a SUCCESS as above.

If there are errors you might see them in the form or at the bottom of the screen:

Provide the optional "Output File Name" for the full output and more detailed debugging information.

Use this tool to try different port numbers or credentials or wherever you think there might be an error in your configuration.