How to configure ProTop to monitor and alert you to the state of your PASOE instances.
NOTE: Monitoring PASOE with ProTop is contingent upon having deployed the PASOE oemanager.war web app to your PASOE instance.
If not already deployed:
- become root on the pasoe server
- execute [yourDLC]/bin/proenv
- cd to your instance directory
- cd bin
- run this command to deploy the "oemanager" web application for this instance: deploy -I <instance-name> $DLC/servers/pasoe/extras/oemanager.war
Where to run ProTop PASOE monitoring
While ProTop monitoring of PASOE can technically be done from a remote server, as it uses REST calls to the OEManager app, we suggest monitoring from the server PASOE is running on, as local calls will incur less overhead than making them across the network. Running the ProTop PASOE monitor on the PASOE server will require an OpenEdge client license.
Configuration steps:
- Add a resource to your site using Resources Administration on the ProTop Portal. Using the portal to add the resource sets additional Portal attributes not found in dblist.cfg. Once synced with the client side (run bin/|bat to sync manually), etc/dblist.cfg will include a line like this (myPasoe can be any friendly name you like):
myPasoe | -1 | serverName | yes | |
- Copy etc/pasoe.cfg to etc/pasoe.myPasoe.cfg.
- Copy etc/pt3agent.cfg to etc/pt3agent.myPasoe.cfg.
- Edit etc/pt3agent.myPasoe.cfg. On the line beginning ptInitDC, replace the quoted string with "osInfo,pasoeInfo" (osInfo sends server attributes to the Portal if this ProTop installation only monitors PASOE).
- Add a line for the details of your PASOE instance (see "For example" below) to etc/pasoe.myPasoe.cfg.
- Restart ProTop by removing tmp/*.flg. ProTop will restart shortly.
- Test your configuration with ProTop RT by running the following:
protop myPasoe
Use the "j" command to see your instance statistics. - Verify that data flows to the ProTop Portal by checking the ProTop Trends - PASOE Statistics dashboard.
- Repeat steps 5 to 8 for each additional instance you want to monitor with this pt3agent.
NOTE: If you have multiple groups of PASOE instances to monitor on the same server, start again with step 1 and use a different name (e.g. myPasoe2) for the next group. You can also use this approach to force a 1:1 relationship between a pt3agent and a PASOE instance (a group of one).
For example, to monitor a PASOE instance that is:
- named instance1
- running on host
- listening on HTTP port 10510
- application root of /oemanager/applications (this is the default for the OEManager app)
- and assigned the admin username of tomcat and password of tomcat
Add the last line in bold from this configuration file to your etc/pasoe.myPasoe.cfg:
# pasoe.cfg
# to generate encoded credentials:
# pro -p ./util/up2b64.p
# name host port path credentials options
# sample1 localhost 10150 /oemanager/applications ".dG9tY2F0OnRvbWNhdA=="
# sample2 localhost 10151 /oemanager/applications ".dG9tY2F0OnRvbWNhdA==" "-ssl -nohostverify"
# sample3 localhost 10152 /oemanager/applications ".dG9tY2F0OnRvbWNhdA=="
instance1 10150 /oemanager/applications "dG9tY2F0OnRvbWNhdAo="
The port can be found in $PASOE_INSTANCE/conf/ For example:
$ grep
The credentials column in your etc/pasoe.myPasoe.cfg contains the double-quoted base64 encoding of the username and password found in $PASOE_INSTANCE/conf/tomcat-users.xml:
<!-- start_admin_account -->
roles="ROLE_PSCAdmin,ROLE_PSCOper,ROLE_PSCUser" />
<!-- end_admin_account -->
So ...
$ echo -n tomcat:tomcat | base64
If you do not have access to base64 you can also use ABL as indicated in the etc/pasoe.cfg file. Just set up your Progress environment (proenv), cd to your ProTop installation directory and:
pro -p ./util/up2b64.p
Finally, the options column in the etc/pasoe.*.cfg allows for SSL switches. If using the HTTPS port number, include any SSL-related parameters between double quotes as seen in etc/pasoe.cfg # sample2 above.
Once the above steps are complete, you can use the PASOE Information (j) command key in ProTop RT to view your PASOE metrics in real-time. You will also see PASOE statistics in ProTop Portal trends.
User Experience Client Server
If you are running your PASOE instance(s) on a server remote from the related database server, we recommend configuring ProTop's User Experience - Client-Server monitoring on the PASOE server. This will set up a trend baseline that can be reviewed for changes if you need to triage complaints of slowness from your PASOE clients.
Questions? Please reach out, and we'll do our best to respond within one business day.