1. ProTop Knowledge Base
  2. Advanced Alerting Configuration

How do I tell ProTop to ignore a disk by device name instead of mount point? I don't want alerts for my DVD drive!

I know how to tell ProTop to filter out alerts for disks by mount name, but for a DVD drive, the mount name changes based on which DVD is mounted. How do I filter out disks based on the device name, like my F: drive, which does not change?

The Disk Free Space (D) panel in ProTop RT shows the Mount and Device names:

Both alertable metrics ("mnt" and "dev") are in the tt_diskFree temp table which is used to send fsPctUsed alerts and so can be used in alert filtering.  You can filter out your "F:" drive like this:

fsPctUsed num > 85 "" "daily" "Disk space % &1 &2 &3" alert tt_diskFree.dev !inList F:

If you want to exclude other file systems in addition to "F:" follow the F: with a comma and the next device name. 

See also:

Filter your alerts

Alert Configuration

Disk space monitoring

df Data Collector