Protop can monitor the free space available on your system. Here's how...
Configuration steps:-
Edit pt3agent.[*].cfg and add the ‘df’ data collector to ptInitDC variable:
Modify alert.[*].cfg to adjust the threshold:
- Starting in ProTop 325 you can add the zDiskFree alert enhancer to the actions list in your disk-related alert definitions like so:
fsPctUsed num > 90 "" "hourly" "Disk space % &1 &2 &3" zDiskFree,alarm
Save the file, and the agent(s) will pick up the change shortly.
Once enabled, file system percent full alerts will be sent to the portal when any file system breaches the defined threshold.
NOTE: There could be more than one file system that has reached the limit. By adding the zDiskFree alert enhancer as outlined above, ProTop reports the state of all your file systems at the bottom of the message. Be sure to address all the issues, not just the first one.
Alert Filters
Add alert filters to assign a different alert threshold to specific file systems.
For example:
fsPctUsed num > 80 "" 14400 "Disk space % &1 &2 &3" page tt_diskFree.mnt = “NewVolume"
fsPctUsed num > 30 "" 60 "Disk space % &1 &2 &3" page tt_diskFree.mnt inlist "SC-Data2,SC-OS,82C1F6B1"
The available "alertable" variables to filter are found here: df Data Collector. Be sure to include both the temp table name and the variable name in the filter, e.g., tt_diskFree.mnt.
See also:
The Disk Free Space panel in ProTop RT