LatchActivity Data Collector

"LatchActivity" Data Collector

For a detailed discussion of these metrics, see ProTop Real-Time - Latches and Resources (w) and ProTop Trends - Latches and Resources.

To set up an alert on a metric listed here, make note of the Data Collector name at the top of this page, the Alertable Metric and Data Type from the table below and visit Alert Configuration.

Alertable Metric ProTop RT Label Data Type Description
tt_latch     (temptable name)
holder Hlder num User Number of the last user holding the latch
latchLkPct Lock% num Percent of time the transaction holds locks
latchName Latch char Latch code
latchReq Requests num Number of requests for that latch
latchType Type char Latch type, usually "spin"
latchWts Waits num Number of times the process fails to get a latch because of excess spin
QHolder QHold num User number(s) of user(s) waiting for the latch