Pro2Queues Data Collector - SUPERCEDES Pro2Activity

"Pro2Queues" Data Collector - SUPERCEDES Pro2Activity

For a detailed discussion of these metrics, see ProTop Real-Time - Pro2 Queues (2).

To set up an alert on a metric listed here, make note of the Data Collector name at the top of this page, the Alertable Metric and Data Type from the table below and visit Alert Configuration.

Alertable Metric ProTop RT Label Data Type Description
tt_pro2q     (temptable name)
rq_Depth Depth char Number of records waiting to be replicated in this queue
rq_disabledTbls Disabled num Number of tables configured but not being replicated
rq_enabledTbls Enabled num Number of tables being replicated
rq_lagTime Queue Lag num Age of the oldest unprocessed record in this queue
rq_oldTblDB Source DB char The PRO2 name for the database containing the table being processed by this queue
rq_oldTblName Oldest Table char Name of the table being processed by this queue
rq_orphanTbls Orphans num Number of tables containing orphan replication queue records
rq_pausedTbls Paused num Number of configured tables for which replication is currently paused
rq_qNum QNum num Queue Number
rq_qStatus Status char Queue Status
rq_qType Action char After replication what happens to the queue record? Values are: "Delete", "Mark" and keep or "Audit"