UsersOfTable Data Collector

"UsersOfTable" Data Collector

For a detailed discussion of these metrics, see ProTop Real-Time - Monitor Users of Table (8).

To set up an alert on a metric listed here, make note of the Data Collector name at the top of this page, the Alertable Metric and Data Type from the table below and visit Alert Configuration.

Alertable Metric ProTop RT Label Data Type Description
tt_uTblAct     (temptable name)
lastUpd CSC Age char If enabled, the number of seconds since the user's Client Statement Cache (CSC) was last updated
lineNum Line# num If CSC is enabled, line number of the currently running program
procName Program Name char If CSC is enabled, name of the currently running program
tblCr Create num Number of records created
tblDl Delete num Number of records deleted
tblRd Read num Number of records read
tblTurn Churn num The ratio of record reads to the number of records in that table
tblUp Update num Number of records updated
usrname User Name char User name associated with the Usr#
usrNum Usr# num Unique user number reference used by Progress schema tables