Once you have ProTop installed, configured, running and sending data to the ProTop Portal, the following items are considered ongoing administration.
ProTop Administration
- Respond to your alerts - If you don't know what the alert means and what to do about it, look it up on help.protop.com!
- Ensure alerts are getting to the right folks (alert responses)
- Tune alerts (change thresholds; reduce noise)
- Run the dbanalys weekly
- Run the Health Check (hc.sh) weekly
- Review Health Checks and address any findings
- Add new databases
- Add new non database resources
- Add new users (remove old users; update passwords)
- Review trend charts on the ProTop Portal
Perform ongoing database maintenance informed by ProTop
1. bin/idxcompact.sports.sh (created by your regularly scheduled hc.sh)
2. in ProTop RT run the ^u command key to produce logic to update your SQL stats
Or, create a script to generate SQL update stats in $PROTOP (for example):
cd /apps/protop
mbpro /data/db/sports -p util/genupdsql.p > tmp/genupdsql.out 2>&1
Then have a look at both the *.updatestats.sql and tmp/genupdsql.out.
3. When it's time to dump & load your database, let ProTop help you.
4. Review and correct your schema for gotchas that can gum up your dump & load.
5. Perform capacity planning using the storage statistics dashboard on the ProTop Portal.