1. ProTop Knowledge Base
  2. Advanced Alerting Configuration

Data Collectors

Data collection is provided by programs in [PROTOPDIR]/dc. The collection of data by the pt3agents is configured via the ptInitDC variable in [PROTOPDIR]/etc/pt3agent.[*].cfg.

If you want the pt3agent to collect table statistics, add the Data Collector (DC) “TableActivity” to the ptInitDC variable in your pt3agent configuration file and restart the pt3agent by removing tmp/pt3agent.[*].flg file. The dbmonitor will restart the agent shortly.

The currently available data collectors are listed below. BOLD DCs are included by default in ptInitDC found in [PROTOPDIR]/etc/pt3agent.cfg. Click the Data Collector Name to see the details for that data collector.

Procedure Name Data Collector Name Gathers Statistics On
activetrx.p ActiveTRX Active transactions
aiinfo.p aiInfo AI information
appmon.p appActivity Generic application monitor
apsv.p AppSrvStatus Classic appserver monitor
area.p StorageAreas Storage areas
b2.p B2 Alternate buffer pool
bigb.p BigBGuesstimator Not controlled by ptInitDC
blocked.p Blocked Blocked clients
brokers.p BrokerConfig C/S broker configuration (11.6+)
cdcq.p cdcq Change Data Capture
chkpt.p Checkpoints Checkpoints
config.p Configuration Startup parameters and basic config
dashboard.p Dashboard Mix of global DB metrics
dbid.p DBId Not controlled by ptInitDC
df.p df Disk space monitor
fileio.p FileIOActivity File IO activity
idxact.p IndexActivity Index activity
latch.p LatchActivity Latch activity
license.p LicenseCfg OpenEdge license information
lobact.p LOBActivity Large Object activity
netstat.p netstat Network activity
osinfo.p OSInfo Operating system info
pasoe.p pasoeInfo Progress AppServer for OpenEdge info
pro2mon.p Pro2Activity Pro2Activity is SUPERCEDED by Pro2Queues
pro2qmon.p Pro2Queues Pro2 queues
replagent.p ReplAgent Replication monitoring
replication.p ReplicationInfo Not controlled by ptInitDC
resrc.p ResourceWaits Resource waits
seq.p SequenceActivity Sequence activity
serverio.p RemoteServerActivity C/S activity
sql.p SQLActivity SQL activity
tblact.p TableActivity Table activity
tenant.p TenantInfo Not controlled by ptInitDC
txe.p TXE TXE latch activity
uio.p UserIOActivity User IO activity
usersofidx.p UsersOfIndex Not controlled by ptInitDC
usersoftbl.p UsersOfTable Not controlled by ptInitDC
who.p who Not controlled to ptInitDC