Data collection is provided by programs in [PROTOPDIR]/dc. The collection of data by the pt3agents is configured via the ptInitDC variable in [PROTOPDIR]/etc/pt3agent.[*].cfg.
If you want the pt3agent to collect table statistics, add the Data Collector (DC) “TableActivity” to the ptInitDC variable in your pt3agent configuration file and restart the pt3agent by removing tmp/pt3agent.[*].flg file. The dbmonitor will restart the agent shortly.The currently available data collectors are listed below. BOLD DCs are included by default in ptInitDC found in [PROTOPDIR]/etc/pt3agent.cfg. Click the Data Collector Name to see the details for that data collector.
Procedure Name | Data Collector Name | Gathers Statistics On |
activetrx.p | ActiveTRX | Active transactions |
aiinfo.p | aiInfo | AI information |
appmon.p | appActivity | Generic application monitor |
apsv.p | AppSrvStatus | Classic appserver monitor |
area.p | StorageAreas | Storage areas |
b2.p | B2 | Alternate buffer pool |
bigb.p | BigBGuesstimator | Not controlled by ptInitDC |
blocked.p | Blocked | Blocked clients |
brokers.p | BrokerConfig | C/S broker configuration (11.6+) |
cdcq.p | cdcq | Change Data Capture |
chkpt.p | Checkpoints | Checkpoints |
config.p | Configuration | Startup parameters and basic config |
dashboard.p | Dashboard | Mix of global DB metrics |
dbid.p | DBId | Not controlled by ptInitDC |
df.p | df | Disk space monitor |
fileio.p | FileIOActivity | File IO activity |
idxact.p | IndexActivity | Index activity |
latch.p | LatchActivity | Latch activity |
license.p | LicenseCfg | OpenEdge license information |
lobact.p | LOBActivity | Large Object activity |
netstat.p | netstat | Network activity |
osinfo.p | OSInfo | Operating system info |
pasoe.p | pasoeInfo | Progress AppServer for OpenEdge info |
pro2mon.p | Pro2Activity | Pro2Activity is SUPERCEDED by Pro2Queues |
pro2qmon.p | Pro2Queues | Pro2 queues |
replagent.p | ReplAgent | Replication monitoring |
replication.p | ReplicationInfo | Not controlled by ptInitDC |
resrc.p | ResourceWaits | Resource waits |
seq.p | SequenceActivity | Sequence activity |
serverio.p | RemoteServerActivity | C/S activity |
sql.p | SQLActivity | SQL activity |
tblact.p | TableActivity | Table activity |
tenant.p | TenantInfo | Not controlled by ptInitDC |
txe.p | TXE | TXE latch activity |
uio.p | UserIOActivity | User IO activity |
usersofidx.p | UsersOfIndex | Not controlled by ptInitDC |
usersoftbl.p | UsersOfTable | Not controlled by ptInitDC |
who.p | who | Not controlled to ptInitDC |